Data Quality Metric Library
CWAY1 - Road network data complete
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total network length, based on carriageway sections, where the map centreline length is within 10% of measured road length recorded in the carriageway table.
Paired with: CWAY7
Metric Purpose
Check consistency between the 'measured' road length recorded in the carriageway table and the map centreline length.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor centreline data has the potential to impact the locational accuracy of data (inventory, maintenance activity, etc.) recorded in the field. Incorrect network length affects reported results including STE, VKT, etc. This also has the potential to impact investment decision making.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Inaccurate measurement of carriageway section length leading to inaccurate total road length. Centrelines not calibrated to measured carriageway section lengths. Road centrelines not representative of road network. Poorly calibrated trip meter. Low quality GPS and insufficient satellites spread across the sky gives a bad map line. Height difference with no calibration points. Centrelines in RAMM are flat earth where the road measurement takes into account slope/elevation.
Specific comments on the metric
The grade ranges have made allowance for those roads that legitimately fail this test.
CWAY2a - Rural number of lanes matches carriageway width
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the Rural sealed network length, based on carriageways, with an alignment between the recorded carriageway width and number of lanes. Alignments are as follows:
- Number of lanes = 1 and width < 6m,
- Number of lanes = 2 and width >4m or <17m,
- Number of lanes > 2 and width >9m.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the number of lanes recorded for each rural carriageway relates to the recorded carriageway width.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Reduced understanding of traffic demand and loading on the network, and subsequently levels of service provided, network resilience, pavement and surfacing renewals forward works programming, etc.
Incorrect reporting of achieved lengths by lane-km in the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process for defining the number of lanes per carriageway section.
Specific comments on the metric
The width ranges were chosen by the project team to allow for the varying nature of the networks across NZ. They are not necessarily in line with any design standards or best practice.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
CWAY2b - Urban number of lanes matches carriageway width
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the Urban sealed network length, based on carriageways, with an alignment between the recorded carriageway width and number of lanes. Alignments are as follows:
- Number of lanes = 1 and width < 6m,
- Number of lanes = 2 and width >4m or <17m,
- Number of lanes > 2 and width >9m.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the number of lanes recorded for each urban carriageway relates to the recorded carriageway width.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Reduced understanding of traffic demand and loading on the network, and subsequently levels of service provided, network resilience, pavement and surfacing renewals forward works programming, etc.
Incorrect reporting of achieved lengths by lane-km in the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process for defining the number of lanes per carriageway section.
Specific comments on the metric
The width ranges were chosen by the project team to allow for the varying nature of the networks across NZ. They are not necessarily in line with any design standards or best practice.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
CWAY4 - ONRC categories are assigned
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of carriageway section records in the carriageway table with an assigned ONRC category.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that an ONRC category is recorded for all 'road' carriageway sections.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Parts of road network with no category are potentially excluded, or incorrectly defined, in planning, executing and reporting of maintenance and renewal activity.
Incorrect reporting of all ONRC Performance Measures results as parts of network will not be included.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process or resources for the ongoing maintenance of this dataset. Lack of clarity or understanding that RCAs are expected to maintain their ONRC.
Specific comments on the metric
This metric only interrogates carriageways where the road is recorded with a road_type of "L" in the Roadnames table. Car parks recorded with a road_type of "L" are expected to 'fail' the test. An allowance has been made for this in the grading ranges. Paths, walkways, and other parts of the network with a different road_type, are excluded.
CWAY6a - Rural carriageways are generally not short
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of Rural sealed carriageway records with a length greater than 20m (ie. not short).
Paired with: CWAY6b
Metric Purpose
Confirm that rural carriageway sectioning length is appropriate.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Short carriageway sections can be difficult, and time consuming to manage and maintain.
Short carriageway sections have the potential to distort the reported results for the ONRC Amenity Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of, or non-implementation of Network Definition manual. Lack of understanding of the consequences associated with many short sections.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2020/21:
State Highway lengths are short if < 500m.
Changes for 2021/22:
Change importance to Low.
Changes for 2023/24:
Change Rural threshold to 20m in line with the Urban metric, to allow for legitimate short lengths such as seal backs , bridge approaches and sections in roundabouts.
CWAY6b - Urban carriageways are generally not short
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of Urban sealed carriageway records with a length greater than 20m (i.e. not short).
Paired with: CWAY6a
Metric Purpose
Confirm that urban carriageway sectioning length is appropriate.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Short carriageway sections can be difficult, and time consuming to manage and maintain.
Short carriageway sections have the potential to distort the reported results of the ONRC Amenity Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of, or non-implementation of Network Definition manual. Lack of understanding of the consequences associated with many short sections.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2020/21:
State Highway urban lengths are short if < 50m.
Changes for 2021/22:
Change importance to Low.
CWAY7 - Sealed/unsealed network correctly defined
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the network length, based on carriageways, with a sealed pavement type and a sealed material surface record, or an unsealed pavement type with either no surface record or an unsealed material surface record.
Paired with: CWAY1
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the sealed and unsealed networks are correctly defined.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Impacts on setting levels of service, network analysis, renewal and maintenance programme development, condition surveys and achievement and other types of reporting.
Incorrect reporting of ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures as a result of incorrect sealed network length.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor network definition through carriageway sectioning. Poor management of carriageway sections following seal extension works. Incorrect recording of sealed surface inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
This metric allows for two scenarios for the unsealed network. Either there is no record in the carriageway surface table, or there is a record with a material type of "METAL".
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2022/23:
Exclude OTTA seals.
Changes for 2023/24:
Remove the check on surface width > 3m.
CWAY8 - ONF categories are assigned
Sub-category | Carriageway | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the network with an assigned ONF category.
The calculation compares the total ONF length to the total network length.
The calculation allows for length adjustments to the carriageways in the network.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that an ONF category is recorded for all road sections.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Parts of road network with no ONF category are potentially excluded, or incorrectly defined, in planning, executing and reporting of maintenance and renewal activity.
Incorrect reporting of ONF Performance Measures results as parts of network will not be included.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process or resources for the ongoing maintenance of this dataset. Lack of clarity or understanding that RCAs are expected to maintain their ONF.
Specific comments on the metric
This metric only interrogates roads with a road type of "L" if a Local Authority or "S" if a State Highway. Paths, walkways, and other parts of the network with a different road type are currently excluded.
The metric excludes duplicate ONF lengths but does not exclude overlapping ONF lengths. Overlapping lengths will skew the results for this metric.
2021/22 Changes
Metric added to Library.
TREAT1 - Treatment Length dimensions match sealed area
Sub-category | Treatment Length | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total number of sealed treatment length records where the recorded sealed area is less than 150% of the calculated area of the treatment length (length * width).
Paired with: TREAT3
Metric Purpose
Confirm consistency between the treatment length dimensions and the sealed area recorded in the surfacing table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Incorrect renewal budget forecasting, annual achievement reporting and network statistics.
Incorrectly recorded sealed areas will affect the results of the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Incorrect surface area recorded in carriageway surface table record. Short treatment lengths which include 'extra areas' e.g. intersections, side road thresholds, etc. Incorrectly recorded carriageway widths in carriageway table.
Specific comments on the metric
150% selected as this is an existing value used within the RAMM "Status Check" processes when summarising data into the treatment length table.
The metric excludes short treatment lengths <50m in length from the "less than 150%" value.
Changes for 2021-22
Exclude short treatment lengths <50m in length.
Pair with metric TREAT3.
TREAT2a - Treatment Lengths are generally not short
Sub-category | Treatment Length | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of sealed treatment length records that are not very short. Very short is considered to be:
- <20m Urban
- <100m Rural
Disabled treatment lengths, short sealed back sections, and bridges are all excluded from the calculation.
Paired with: TREAT2b
Metric Purpose
Confirm that treatment length sectioning length is appropriate.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Short lengths can be difficult/impractical to manage and maintain.
Very short treatment lengths have the potential to impact the results of the ONRC Amenity Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process, understanding or resources for the ongoing maintenance of this dataset.
Lack of understanding on how to manage treatment length sectioning within the asset management system.
Lack of understanding of the consequence of having a large number of short sections.
Specific comments on the metric
The limit has been set around practical lengths for managing and maintaining the pavement and surfacing assets. Urban allows for intersections and cul-de-sac heads, etc. It is expected that some treatment lengths will be legitimately short. This has been allowed for in the grade ranges.
Changes for 2021/22
Change importance to Low. Exclude short sealed back sections from the total count and exceptions.
TREAT2b - Treatment Lengths are not too long
Sub-category | Treatment Length | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Low | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of sealed treatment length records that are not exceptionally long. Exceptionally long is considered to be:
- >500m Urban
- >1km Rural
Metric Purpose
Confirm that treatment length sectioning length is appropriate.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Long lengths can be difficult/impractical to manage and maintain. The uniformity of condition and performance are likely to be more varied over a greater section
Very long treatment lengths have the potential to impact the results of the ONRC Amenity Performance Measures.length.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process, understanding or resources for the ongoing maintenance of this dataset.
Lack of understanding on how to manage treatment length sectioning within the asset management system.
Lack of understanding of the consequence of having a large number of long sections.
Specific comments on the metric
The limit has been set around practical lengths for managing and maintaining the pavement and surfacing assets. Exceptions to this are allowed for within the grade ranges.
Changes for 2021/22
Change metric to Low importance.
TREAT3 - Treatment Lengths match major surfaces
Sub-category | Treatment Length | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Moderate | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of treatment length records where the major top surface covers at least 80% of the treatment length.
Paired with: TREAT1
Metric Purpose
Confirm that treatment length sectioning aligns with major top surface records.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Misalignment indicates potential that sectioning does not reflect how pavement and surfacing assets are being managed and maintained.
Decision-making affected by network not clearly understood through summarising of asset inventory and condition data to inappropriate sectioning.
Impacts the results of the ONRC Amenity Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of process, understanding or resources for the ongoing maintenance of this dataset.
Lack of understanding on how to manage treatment length sectioning within the asset management system.
Specific comments on the metric
The 80% coverage has been selected as this is an existing extent already reported in RAMM.
TREAT5 - Treatment Lengths match renewals
Sub-category | Treatment Length | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of treatment length records where the major top surface covers at least 80% of the treatment length where the surface date is in the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that treatment length sectioning is being maintained and updated following renewal activity.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
ONRC: Impacts the results of the Amenity Performance Measures.
AM: Decision-making affected by network not clearly understood through summarising of asset inventory and condition data to inappropriate sectioning.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor processes, or lack of resources for the management and maintaining of treatment length sectioning in a timely manner.
Specific comments on the metric
The 80% coverage has been selected as this is an existing extent already reported in RAMM.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2022/23
Report as NA if no treatment lengths updated in the year.
PAVE1 - Achieved pavement renewal programme as-builted
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the achieved pavement renewals reported in TIO as-builted in RAMM with a work category of 214 for last financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm the financial years pavement renewals achievement reported in TIO have been recorded, and are identifiable in RAMM.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Impact on modelling outputs and forward works programming including analysis, annual achievement reporting and investment decision making.
Poor data will impact the results of the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of, or poor process for recording correct work category in the pavement layer table for pavement renewal work claimed under work category 214. Reported achieved quantity from different source than as-builted records in RAMM. Source data used for reporting achievements is not complete or up to date when needed.
Specific comments on the metric
The metric compares RAMM totals to what is recorded in TIO. An exact match will give a metric result of 100%.
The threshold for minor issues is more than +/- 5% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 95% of TIO or more than 105%.
The threshold for major issues is more than +/- 15% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 85% of TIO or more than 115%.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to report where road_type = 'L' and owner_type = 'L' only.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategrory Pavement & Surfacing. Report using Work Category from carriageway surface rather than from pave structure. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add the AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
PAVE2 - Pavement layer records have valid attribute data
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of pavement layer records with a layer date in the reported financial year and a known material and source, recorded width when not full width and thickness between 50mm and 500mm.
Metric Purpose
Data validation check of the pavement layer records added in the reported financial year confirming correct pavement data recorded.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
This can impact our analysis and investment decision making.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM. The system allows for invalid records to be entered. Lack of data standard on how geotextile/fabric layers are to be recorded.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude pavement layers with a material type of 'SEALS'.
Also 'UNKNOWN' has been added to the variations used to record an unknown pavement material source.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. Use pave structure instead of pave layer. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report as N/A if no pavement layer records added in the reported financial year.
Changes for 2023/24:
Only include Major structures.
PAVE3 - Pavement layer records with Work Origin
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of pavement layer records entered to RAMM with a layer date in the reported financial year with a recorded Work Origin.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that pavement renewals are identifiable in RAMM for the reported financial year.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
This can impact our analysis and investment decision making.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for the population of this attribute field.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. Exclude removed pave layer records. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report as N/A if no pavement layer records added in the reported financial year.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SURF1a - Achieved chipseal resurfacing renewal programme as-builted
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the achieved chipseal resurfacing renewals reported in TIO as-builted in RAMM (in m2) with a work category of 212 for reported financial year.
Paired with: SURF1b
Metric Purpose
Confirm the financial years chipseal renewals achievement reported in TIO have been recorded, and are identifiable in RAMM.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Impact on modelling outputs and forward works programming including analysis, annual achievement reporting and investment decision making.
Poor data will impact the results of the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of, or poor process and trained personnel for recording correct work category in the carriageway surface table for sealed resurfacing work claimed under work category 212.
Reported achieved quantity from different source than as-builted records in RAMM.
Source data used for reporting achievement is not complete or up to date when needed.
Uncertainty around the work category to assign the surfacing component of the pavement rehabilitation to.
Specific comments on the metric
The metric compares RAMM totals to what is recorded in TIO. An exact match will give a metric result of 100%.
The threshold for minor issues is more than +/- 5% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 95% of TIO or more than 105%.
The threshold for major issues is more than +/- 15% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 85% of TIO or more than 115%.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to report where road_type = 'L' and owner_type = 'L' only.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. Use Work Category on c_surface. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report on the surface structure sealed area first if it is populated, else use width * length.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
Do not restrict to only major surfaces.
SURF1b - Achieved asphaltic concrete resurfacing renewal programme as-builted
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the achieved asphaltic concrete resurfacing renewals reported in TIO as-builted in RAMM (in m2) with a work category of 212 for reported financial year.
Paired with: SURF1a
Metric Purpose
Confirm the financial years asphalt renewals achievement reported in TIO have been recorded, and are identifiable in RAMM.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Impact on modelling outputs and forward works programming including analysis, annual achievement reporting and investment decision making.
Poor data will impact the results of the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of, or poor process and trained personnel for recording correct work category in the carriageway surface table for sealed resurfacing work claimed under work category 212.
Reported achieved quantity from different source than as-builted records in RAMM.
Source data used for reporting achievement is not complete or up to date when needed.
Uncertainty around the work category to assign the surfacing component of the pavement rehabilitation to.
Specific comments on the metric
The metric compares RAMM totals to what is recorded in TIO. An exact match will give a metric result of 100%.
The threshold for minor issues is more than +/- 5% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 95% of TIO or more than 105%.
The threshold for major issues is more than +/- 15% of an exact match i.e. RAMM is less than 85% of TIO or more than 115%.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to report where road_type = 'L' and owner_type = 'L' only.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. No longer use #tempDate. Update the RAMM SQL to use c_surface.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report on m2 rather than lane km, to be consistent with SURF1a and PAVE1. Report on sealed area if populated otherwise length * width.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
Include Slurry Seal even if it does not have an AM category. Do not restrict to just major surfaces.
SURF2 - Surface records have valid attribute data
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of current top surface records, based on treatment lengths, with a valid chip size (AM>=7, CS<=6, 2nd chip recorded for 2CHIP, RACK, B/S, 3CHIP, CAPE, and COMB), surface function (AC <> "M"), a recorded binder type, and a recorded top surface life (not null).
Paired with: SURF3
Metric Purpose
Data validation check of the surface records added in the reported financial year confirming correct surface data recorded.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Surface records have no network level expected surface life. This can also impact life cycle analysis and investment decision-making.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM. The system allows for invalid records to be entered.
Specific comments on the metric
There are surface records that will legitimately fail this validation test (i.e. Slurry surfaces). These typically constitute a small proportion of each network and have been considered in setting the grade ranges for this metric.
Changes for 2020/21
Include COMB in the surface material list.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair this metric with SURF3. 1st Coat is a valid surface function for AC.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS SQL. Allow for AMDS not bringing through the first coat size for AC to the treatment lengths.
SURF3 - Surface records correctly located
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of surface records entered to RAMM with a surface date in the reported financial year that have a recorded start and end displacement within the limits of the road as defined in the carriageway table, and have a recorded surface width no greater than 2m wider than the carriageway width.
Paired with: SURF2
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the recorded surface inventory records in the financial year align with the network as defined in the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Data used to support decision-making processes is potentially inaccurate. The data summarised into the treatment length table will not reflect the network dimensions.
Incorrect reporting of renewal quantity and achieved life feeding ONRC Cost Efficiency 2 & 3 Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor QA process around as-built data collection.
Carriageway sectioning not actively managed/maintained.
Terratrip used for measuring start and end displacements not calibrated.
Specific comments on the metric
Not greater than 2m wider than the carriageway width was selected based on the guidance in SHDOM that a change in width of >2m should become a new carriageway section.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair this metric with SURF2. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for this metric.
Allow for a mix of locally owned and private/crown sections along a road.
SURF4 - Surface records with Original Cost
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of surface records entered into RAMM with a surface date in the financial year and an original cost recorded where the recorded works category is 212 or 214.
Paired with: SURF5
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the original cost is recorded against the surface inventory record for work category 212 and 214 activity in the financial year.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Reduced understanding of investment, and effectiveness of investment.
Incorrect reporting of renewal quantity and achieved life feeding ONRC Cost Efficiency 2 & 3 Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for the population of this attribute field. Lack of understanding of what costs are to be recorded.
Specific comments on the metric
30 June 2016 was selected as population of this field was requested of the sector from the 2016/17 financial year onwards.
Changes for 2020/21
The metric will report for the previous financial year only.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair this metric with SURF5.
Changes for 2022/23
Report as NA if no surfaces have been updated in the year.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SURF5 - Surface records with Work Origin
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of surface records entered into RAMM with a surface date in the last financial year and a work origin and category recorded.
Paired with: SURF4
Metric Purpose
Confirm that surface records associated with renewal activities can be differentiated from those that are not since the start of the last financial year.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Reduced understanding of pavement and surfacing performance through not screening out activity not associated with renewals.
Incorrect reporting of renewal quantity and achieved life feeding the ONRC Cost Efficiency 2 & 3 Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for the population of this attribute field. Lack of understanding of how to populate this attribute field in the asset inventory database.
Specific comments on the metric
30 June 2016 was selected as population of this field was requested of the sector from the 2016/17 financial year onwards.
Changes for 2020/21
The metric will report for the previous financial year only.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair this metric with SURF4.
Changes for 2022/23
Show an NA result when no surface records in the year.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SURF6 - Surface records newer than pavement
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Moderate | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the length, based on treatment lengths, where the major top surface is newer than underlying major pavement layer, the recorded pavement layer date is less than 3.5 years old at the end of the reported financial year, and the major pavement layer coverage is >=50% of the treatment length.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that a surface record exists for all pavement layer records added to the database in the last 3.5 years.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Impacts on future renewal need analysis, forecasting and programming.
Incorrect reporting of renewal quantity and achieved life feeding the ONRC Cost Efficiency 2 & 3 Performance Measures.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No pavement layer data covering the majority of the treatment length section (i.e. major pavement layer and major surface records are for different portions of the treatment length).
Lack of use of pavement builder for completing inventory record updates in RAMM.
Poor, or lack of, process for managing and maintaining pavement and surfacing asset data.
Specific comments on the metric
The grade ranges make an allowance for treatment lengths which have little pavement layer data and the major pavement layer is associated with a shoulder widening, or similar.
The metric only includes treatment lengths where the major pavement layer coverage is >=50% of the treatment length.
Changes for 2021/22
Only include where the major pavement layer coverage is >=50% of the treatment length. No longer use #tempDate.
Changes for 2023/24
Exceptions SQL checks for treatment lengths with missing surface dates.
FOOT2 - Footpath asset records maintained
Sub-category | Pathways | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total footpath length entered to RAMM during the three year period to the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that footpath asset data is being maintained as new footpaths are constructed/vested, and others are renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following renewal activity Renewal activity is delivered in quantities less than that identified for capitalisation by internal processes Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2019/20:
Importance level for metric has been changed to Low.
Changes for 2021/22:
Moved to Asset Inventory subcategory Pathways. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
FOOT3 - Footpath data valid
Sub-category | Pathways | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of footpath records with a valid recorded length (not null or zero), and width (>0.7m and <20m, and not null), an offset less than 40m (when recorded), surface date >= construction date and condition date (when recorded) >= surface date.
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of footpath assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
There will be instances where a footpath width falls outside the allowed range of this test. An allowance in the grade ranges has been made for this. Less than 3 years old has been considered a recent condition date.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric.
Changes for 2022/23
Add exception SQL.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM and Exception SQL for the metric.
FOOT5 - Footpath asset known
Sub-category | Pathways | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total number of footpath records with a known purpose, asset owner, location (start and end displacements and side, or map coordinates), surface material and construction/surface date.
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of footpath assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
There will be instances where a footpath width falls outside the allowed range of this test. An allowance in the grade ranges has been made for this. Less than 3 years old has been considered a recent condition date.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing FOOT1.
Changes for 2022/23
Use the asset owner of the footpath rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
DRAIN2 - Culvert asset records maintained
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total culvert length entered into RAMM during the three year period to the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: SWC2
Metric Purpose
Confirm that culvert asset data is being maintained as new culverts are constructed/vested, and others are renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following renewal activity. Renewal activity is delivered in quantities less than that identified for capitalisation by internal processes. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2019/20:
Importance level of metric has been changed to Low.
Changes for 2021/22:
Moved to Asset Inventory subcategory Drainage System.
DRAIN2 and SWC2 are now paired so together they only count as one metric for the score. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2022/23:
Use the asset owner of the drainage record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24:
DRAIN3 - Culvert data valid
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of culvert records with a valid recorded length (not null or zero), and diameter/height (>=100mm and <8,000mm, and not null), an offset less than 40m (when recorded), and condition date (when recorded) >= construction date.
Paired with: SWC3
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of culvert assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these. Less than 3 years old has been considered a recent condition date.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
DRAIN5 - Culvert assets known
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of culvert records with a known drainage type, asset owner, location (displacement and side, or map coordinates), material, culvert type (i.e. not "unknown") and construction date.
Paired with: SWC5
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of culvert assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing DRAIN1.
Changes for 2022/23
Allow for assets located at the very end of the road. Use the asset owner of the drainage record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
SWC2 - SWC asset records maintained
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total surface water channel length entered to RAMM during the three year period to the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: DRAIN2
Metric Purpose
Confirm that surface water channel asset data is being maintained as new surface water channels are constructed/vested, and others are renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following renewal activity.
Renewal activity is delivered in quantities less than that identified for capitalisation by internal processes.
Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2019/20:
Importance level changed to Low.
Changes for 2020/21:
The metric will exclude ESWC type.
Changes for 2021/22:
Moved to Asset Inventory subcategory Drainage System. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
DRAIN2 and SWC2 are now paired so together they only count as one metric for the score.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SWC3 - SWC data valid
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of surface water channel records with a valid recorded length (not null or zero), an offset less than 40m (when recorded) and condition date (when recorded) >= construction date.
Paired with: DRAIN3
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of surface water channel assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
Excludes surface water channel types of SWCD, SWCS, and ESWC.
Changes for 2020/21
The metric will exclude the ESWC type.
Changes for 2022/23
Refer to the assets as surface water channels rather than kerb and channel.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SWC5 - SWC asset known
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of surface water channel records with a known channel type, asset owner, location (start and end displacement and side, or map coordinates) and construction date.
Paired with: DRAIN5
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of surface water channel assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
Excludes channel types of SWCD, SWCS, and ESWC.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing SWC1.
Changes for 2022/23
Clarify reference to surface water channels rather than kerb and channel.
Use the asset owner of the surface water channel record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
LIGHTS3 - Streetlight replacement activity
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The number of streetlight lights recorded as replaced in RAMM for the three year period to the end of the reported financial year as a percentage of the total number of lights on the network. Excludes when only lamp and/or gear is replaced.
Paired with: RAIL2, SIGNS3
Metric Purpose
Confirm that streetlight asset data is being maintained as streetlight lights are replaced/renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following activity by the maintenance contractor. Lack of resources for the timely maintenance of this dataset.
Specific comments on the metric
For RCAs that have migrated to AMDS, the metric will filter using the owner of the light. Where a light also has a sub organisation assigned, the light will be included if the owner type of the sub organisation is 'LA'.
For RCAs that have not yet migrated to AMDS, the metric will continue to use the owner of the carriageway section that the pole is located on, as the owner of the light cannot be accurately identified.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric changed from reporting the percentage of streetlight pole to streetlight light records with a replacement date in the last three financial years.
Excludes when lamp and/or gear only have been replaced.
Grade ranges also updated to reflect different expected lives.
Changes for 2022/23:
The logic now ensures lights are not double counted due to the lighting configuration.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add the AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
For RCAs that have migrated to AMDS, the metric will filter using the owner of the light. For RCAs that have not yet migrated to AMDS, the metric will continue to use the owner of the carriageway section that the pole is located on.
LIGHTS4 - Streetlights data valid
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of streetlight pole records located within the extents of the road as defined in the carriageway table and with an offset less than 40m (when recorded) or with a recorded GPS location, and with condition date >= installation date (when recorded).
Paired with: RAIL3, SIGNS5
Metric Purpose
Confirm that streetlight assets are correctly located in relation to how the network is defined by the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making and lack of maintenance response.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM. Displacements recorded using an uncalibrated trip meter.
Specific comments on the metric
GPS location is based on NTZM within the limits of the North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. The NZTM location of each pole is not available in AMDS so this check is ignored for RCAs that have migrated to AMDS.
For RCAs that have migrated to AMDS, the metric will filter using the owner of the light. Where a light also has a sub organisation assigned, the light will be included if the owner type of the sub organisation is 'LA'.
For RCAs that have not yet migrated to AMDS, the metric will continue to use the owner of the carriageway section that the pole is located on, as the owner of the light cannot be accurately identified.
Changes for 2021/22
Also check condition date is on or after install date if condition date is entered. Allow for a blank offset.
Changes for 2023/24
Add the AMDS RAMM and Exception SQL for the metric.
Pair the LIGHTS4 metric with RAIL3 and SIGNS5.
LIGHTS5 - Streetlight assets known
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of streetlight light records with a known pole and light owner, known pole make and mounting type, known light make and model, known lamp make and model and pole and light installation dates. (Pole make, light make and light model cannot be checked for AMDS RCAs.)
Paired with: RAIL4, SIGNS4
Metric Purpose
Confirm that streetlight light asset records are complete with a known pole and light owner, known pole make and mounting type, known light make and model, known lamp make and model and pole and light installation dates.
Pole make, light make and light model are not in the AMDS standard so will not be checked for RCAs that have migrated to AMDS.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making and asset valuation.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing LIGHTS2.
Changes for 2023/24
Count the number of lights instead of the number of poles. Update the description in the RAMM SQL. Add the AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
RAIL2 - Railing asset records maintained
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total railing length entered in RAMM for the three year period to the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: LIGHTS3, SIGNS3
Metric Purpose
Confirm that railing asset data is being maintained as new railings are installed/vested, and others are renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following renewal activity Renewal activity is delivered in quantities less than that identified for capitalisation by internal processes.
Specific comments on the metric
For AMDS, this metric will check the barriers table.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair this metric with SIGNS3 and LIGHTS3.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for this metric.
RAIL3 - Railing data valid
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of railing records with a valid recorded length (not null or zero), an offset less than 40m (when recorded) and condition date (when recorded) >= installation date.
Paired with: LIGHTS4, SIGNS5
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of railing assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these. Less than 3 years old has been considered a recent condition date.
For AMDS, this metric will check the barriers table.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS SQL for the metric.
Pair the RAIL3 metric with LIGHTS4 and SIGNS5.
RAIL4 - Railing assets known
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of railing records with a known railing type, asset owner, location (start and end displacement and side, or map coordinates), material and installation date.
Paired with: LIGHTS5, SIGNS4
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of railing assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these.
For AMDS, this metric will check the barriers table.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing RAIL1.
Changes for 2022/23
Use the asset owner of the railing record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
Add the AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
SIGNS3 - Sign replacement activity
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The number of signs recorded as replaced in RAMM for the three year period to the end of the reported financial year as a percentage of the total number of signs on the network.
Paired with: LIGHTS3, RAIL2
Metric Purpose
Confirm that sign asset data is being maintained as signs are replaced/renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following activity by the maintenance contractor.
Changes for 2021/22
Pair with RAIL2 and LIGHTS3. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
SIGNS4 - Sign assets known
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of sign records with recorded owner, class, type, material (background and legend), colour (background and legend), and installation date or recent known condition.
Paired with: LIGHTS5, RAIL4
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of sign assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, maintenance needs and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these. Less than 3 years old has been considered a recent condition date.
For RCAs that have migrated to AMDS, the metric will check sign type and class for Traffic Control Device (TCD) signs and will just check type for non-TCD signs. Also none of legend material, legend colour, and background material are in AMDS.
Changes for 2020/21
Exclude condition clause for State Highways.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing SIGNS1.
Changes for 2023/24
For RCAs that have migrated to AMDS, the metric will check sign type and class for Traffic Control Device (TCD) signs and will just check type for non-TCD signs.
SIGNS5 - Sign data valid
Sub-category | Traffic Facilities & Streetlights | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of sign records located within the extents of the road as defined in the carriageway table and with a location and an offset less than 40m (when recorded) or with a recorded GPS location, a height >=50mm and <=5000mm (when recorded), a width >=100mm and <=5000mm (when recorded), and condition date >= installation date (when recorded).
Paired with: LIGHTS4, RAIL3
Metric Purpose
Confirm that sign assets are correctly located in relation to how the network is defined by the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making and lack of maintenance response.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM. Displacements recorded using an uncalibrated trip meter.
Specific comments on the metric
GPS location is based on NTZM within the limits of the North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands.
The sign height limit is set to 50mm to allow for shorter height signs such as No Exit signs
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing SIGNS2.
Changes for 2022/23
Update the width and height checks to be >=100mm and <=5000mm. This allows for Rural Address Property Identification signs that are 100mm high.
Changes for 2023/24
Add the AMDS RAMM and Exception SQL for the metric.
Pair the SIGNS5 metric with LIGHTS4 and RAIL3.
Adjust the sign height limit from 100mm to 50mm, to allow for shorter height signs such as No Exit signs
RETAIN2 - Retaining wall asset records maintained
Sub-category | Structures | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the total retaining wall length entered in RAMM for the five year period to the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that retaining wall asset data is being maintained as new retaining walls are constructed/vested, and others are renewed.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following renewal activity. Renewal activity is delivered in quantities less than that identified for capitalisation by internal processes. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been changed to report a result of "NA" for RCAs with no retaining walls recorded in their database. This is then ungraded and excluded from the aggregated results.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move to Asset Inventory subcategory Structures. Just look up assets using asset_owner.
Changes for 2023/24:
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
RETAIN3 - Retaining wall data valid
Sub-category | Structures | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of retaining wall records with a valid recorded length (not null or zero), average height >=0.3m and <10m, an offset less than 40m (when recorded) and condition date (when recorded) >= construction date.
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of retaining wall assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these.
The height limit is set to 10m to try to catch cases where the height has been entered incorrectly eg 1.5 has been entered as 15.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2022/23
Move checks on wall type and material to new metric RETAIN5.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS SQL for RETAIN3. Only report on installed walls for AMDS as AMDS allows for other statuses as well.
Increase height limit from 8m to 10m to allow for higher walls but still catch incorrectly entered heights eg. 1.5 entered as 15.
RETAIN5 - Retaining Wall assets known
Sub-category | Structures | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of retaining wall records with a known type, asset owner, location (start and end displacement and side, or map coordinates), material, and construction date.
Metric Purpose
Confirm completeness of retaining wall assets attribute data is adequate for planning and decision-making purposes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our renewal programme development, investment decision making, asset valuations and LoS delivery.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Attribute data not known for 'historic' assets. Poor, or lack of, clarity on what attribute fields are to be collected and maintained for this asset type. Poor, or lack of quality control undertaken on inventory data.
Specific comments on the metric
An allowance has been made in the grade ranges for unknown constructed dates of 'older' assets, and the ease and value of estimating these.
Changes for 2021/22
New metric replacing RETAIN1.
Changes for 2022/23
Only report on locally owned retaining walls. Use the asset owner of the retaining wall record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS SQL for the metric.
MAINT1 - Consistency of pavement, surfacing and shoulder maintenance activity units
Sub-category | Maintenance Activity | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The average number of different units used (e.g. each, m, m2, hr, etc.) per fault type (e.g. flushing, high shoulder, pot-hole, etc.) during the reported financial year for pavement (PA), surfacing (SU) and shoulder (SH) cost group maintenance activities. For records with a transaction date within the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm the usability of the maintenance activity data to support our decision-making processes.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Difficulty in using the data in network performance analysis, dTIMS modelling and NPV analysis.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No defined process for how maintenance activity will be recorded in the maintenance cost table. Poorly defined scope for the set up of RAMM Contractor for the transfer of maintenance activity to the maintenance cost table. Lack of understanding of the intended use of the data in the maintenance cost table. Untrained staff transferring/loading data into the maintenance cost table.
Specific comments on the metric
Metric result is the average number of units per activity. This is not weighted by the number of records within each activity.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to report the number of different units per fault type rather than activity.
Changes for 2021/22:
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2023/24:
Now using a separate UDT to retrieve maintenance costs.
MAINT2 - Complete pavement and surface maintenance activity
Sub-category | Maintenance Activity | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The number of months in the reported financial year with at least one maintenance activity record with a cost group of pavement (PA) or surfacing (SU) on the sealed network. For records with a transaction date within the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that pavement and surface maintenance activity is recorded monthly throughout the reported year.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Affects judgement on economics of intended investment (i.e. NPV analysis) and understanding of network performance (Condition vs levels of renewals vs levels of maintenance activity).
Incorrect reporting of maintenance activity level in the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measure.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor process or lack of process for the population of the maintenance cost table in RAMM. Lack of available resource for the maintenance of these dataset. Lack of understanding of the value of this dataset.
Specific comments on the metric
The project team have assumed that each month should have at least 1 pavement or surfacing cost group record. The grade ranges make an allowance for this not being the case in one month of the year. The metric does not provide a direct indication of likely accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the maintenance activity data, but it does provide some indication of the effort being applied to capture meaningful data.
Changes for 2021/22:
Change the dimension to Timeliness. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2023/24:
Now using a separate UDT to retrieve maintenance costs.
MAINT3 - Pavement, surfacing, shoulder and drainage maintenance activity known
Sub-category | Maintenance Activity | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of pavement (PA), surfacing (SU), shoulder (SH) and drainage (DR) cost group maintenance activity records with a known fault type (ie not "unknown") for records with a transaction date within the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the reason for the maintenance activity can be understood.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Potential for network performance, or investment needs, to be fully understood without understanding maintenance activity.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Untrained staff collecting as-built inventory data. Lack of data validation checks as part of adding inventory record to RAMM.
Changes for 2021/22:
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report as No Data if no maintenance activity records are recorded for the reported financial year.
Changes for 2023/24:
Now using a separate UDT to retrieve maintenance costs.
MAINT4 - Correctly located pavement, surface, shoulder and drainage maintenance activity
Sub-category | Maintenance Activity | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the number of pavement (PA), surfacing (SU), shoulder (SH) and drainage (DR) cost group maintenance activity records on the sealed networkrecorded at an appropriate location (Proportion of records not at the start of the road), for records with a transaction date within the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the location of pavement and surfacing maintenance activity is recorded so it is associated with the correct road section.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Incorrectly located activity will impact the outputs of analysis and modelling using this data to consider asset performance and deterioration, e.g. NPV analysis, dTIMS, etc.
Maintenance activity associated with wrong carriageway impacting how results are reported by ONRC category for the ONRC Cost Efficiency Performance Measure.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of, process for the accurate capture of maintenance activity location. Lack of understanding of the value of accurately recording the location of the activity. Cyclic type activities recorded against the start of the road.
Specific comments on the metric
The grade ranges make an allowance for records legitimately recorded at the start of the road.
Changes for 2020/21
Report MAINT4 for cost groups Surfacing, Pavement, Shoulder and Drainage.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report as No Data if no maintenance activity records are recorded for the reported financial year.
Changes for 2023/24:
Now using a separate UDT to retrieve maintenance costs.
MAINT6 - Level of pavement, surfacing, shoulder and drainage maintenance activity known
Sub-category | Maintenance Activity | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of pavement (PA), surfacing (SU), shoulder (SH) and drainage (DR) cost group maintenance activity records with a known quantity (eg not Null, zero or negative) for records with a transaction date within the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the quantity of maintenance activity has been adequately captured.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Difficulty in using the data in network performance analysis, dTIMS modelling and NPV analysis.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No defined process for how maintenance activity will be recorded in the maintenance cost table. Poorly defined scope for the set up of RAMM Contractor for the transfer of maintenance activity to the maintenance cost table.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
Changes for 2022/23:
Report as No Data if no maintenance activity records are recorded for the reported financial year.
Changes for 2023/24:
Report using the new maintenance cost UDT. The adjusted quantity is not required anymore on maintenance cost data in RAMM.
HSD1 - HSD rutting survey within 3 years
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the sealed network length, based on carriageway sections, with a latest hsd rutting reading less than 3 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: HSD2, HSD32021/22 changes
New metric.
HSD2 - HSD texture survey within 3 years
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the sealed network length, based on carriageway sections, with a latest hsd texture reading less than 3 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: HSD1, HSD32021/22 changes
New metric.
HSD3 - HSD geometry survey within 5 years
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Low |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the sealed network length, based on carriageway sections, with a latest hsd geometry reading less than 5 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: HSD1, HSD22021/22 changes
New metric.
RATING1 - Road rating data current
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of total sealed network length, based on treatment lengths, with a latest road rating record less than two years old at end of reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the sealed network has recent visual road rating data.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Lack of condition data has the potential to affect our ability to identify maintenance and renewal needs, make investment decisions or measure effectiveness of investment.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Latest rating survey more than 2 years old. Poor, or lack of process for loading the latest rating survey in a timely manner.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move the metric to Condition subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. Change the primary dimension to Timeliness. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL. Include rating records up to the end of year date.
RATING2 - Rating data locations valid
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of latest rating records less than 2 years old at the end of the reported financial year with a valid inspection section (inspection start >= rating start and start of road, inspection end <= rating end and end of road).
Metric Purpose
Confirm inspection section locational accuracy against rating sections and the extents of the network as defined by the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Any data located outside of the network as defined in the carriageway table is likely not be included in any analysis or investment decision making.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Unskilled staff generating rating survey and loading results to RAMM. Poor or lack of data validation checks associated with collection and recording of road rating surveys. Network not updated following validation of road lengths.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move the metric to Condition subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
ROUGH1 - Roughness survey within 2.5 years
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the sealed network length, based on carriageway sections, with a latest roughness reading less than 2.5 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that sealed network has recent roughness data.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Out of date data being used to report LoS achieved, other key statistics, effectiveness of investment, or network performance.
Incorrect/out of date reporting of STE and average/median roughness values in ONRC Amenity Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for loading the latest roughness survey in a timely manner. Roughness surveys either not undertaken, or undertaken of a frequency less than once every 2.5 years. Entire sealed network not covered by roughness survey.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2020/21:
Metric will report the greater percentage from either the rough or hsd_rough tables.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move metric to Condition subcategory Pavement & Surfacing. Change primary dimension to Timeliness. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
ROUGH2 - Roughness data has valid location
Sub-category | Pavement & Surfacing | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of all latest roughness/HSD readings records located within the extents of the road as defined in the carriageway table.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that roughness/HSD roughness records are within the extents of the road as defined by the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Data used for analysis and reporting purposes may not be representative of the road section.
Records not associated with a carriageway are not included in calculating the ONRC Amenity Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Data not imported to RAMM through correct processes. Network updates not completed through correct processes resulting in affected tables not being updated.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2020/21:
Metric is to use the best result of rough or hsd.
Changes for 2021/22:
Move the metric to Condition subcategory Pavement & Surfacing.
FOOT4 - Footpath condition within 6 years
Sub-category | Pathways | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the footpath network length, based on footpath sections, with a known recorded condition less than 6 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that the condition data for footpath assets is being maintained.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following condition checks. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for the metric.
Remove end date limit.
DRAIN4 - Culvert condition within 6 years
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of culverts with a known recorded condition less than 6 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: SWC4
Metric Purpose
Confirm that condition data for the culvert assets is being maintained.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following condition checks. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2022/23
Use the asset owner of the drainage record rather than the owner type of the carriageway section.
Changes for 2023/24
Remove the end date limit.
SWC4 - Surface water channel condition within 6 years
Sub-category | Drainage System | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the surface water channel length with a known recorded condition less than 6 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Paired with: DRAIN4
Metric Purpose
Confirm that surface water channel condition data is being maintained.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following condition checks.
Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2022/23
Refer to the assets as surface water channels rather than kerb and channel.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS SQL for the metric.
Remove end date limit.
RETAIN4 - Retaining wall condition within 6 years
Sub-category | Structures | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | Moderate |
Grade thresholds |
The percentage of the number of retaining walls with a known recorded condition less than 6 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that retaining wall condition data is being maintained.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor data has the potential to impact our investment decision making, understanding of the effectiveness of investment and asset valuations.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for updating the asset inventory table following condition checks. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset in a timely manner.
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created.
Changes for 2023/24
Add AMDS RAMM SQL for this metric.
Remove end date limit.
COUNT1 - Well targeted traffic count programme
Sub-category | Traffic Count | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total network Vehicle Kilometers Travelled (VKT), based on carriageway sections, with a latest traffic count less than 5 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm the level of traffic demand on the network that has been counted recently.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor traffic count data is likely to lead to poor traffic estimating and understanding of the current and changing demand on the network in terms of traffic volume and loading.
Potential mis-categorisation of ONRC and therefore reported ONRC Performance Measures results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No active traffic count strategy. Current traffic count programme not targeted at carriageway sections making up the greatest proportion of VKT. Completed traffic counts not loaded to RAMM in a timely manner.
Specific comments on the metric
The RIMS Guideline for Traffic Counting has been used to guide the grade ranges. This includes an adjustment to be carriageway section based rather than traffic links based.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2020/21:
Reduce the expected standard range to 40%. No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
COUNT2 - Traffic count programme activity on sealed network
Sub-category | Traffic Count | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Moderate | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total network Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT), based on carriageway sections, with a latest traffic count record with a count date less than one year old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that count activity for reported financial year is well targetted to understand traffic demand and is being loaded to the asset database.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor traffic count data is likely to lead to poor traffic estimating and understanding of the current and changing demand on the network in terms of traffic volume and loading.
Potential miscategorisation of ONRC and therefore reported ONRC Performance Measures results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No active traffic count strategy. Current traffic count programme not targeted at carriageway sections making up the greatest proportion of VKT. Completed traffic counts not loaded to RAMM in a timely manner.
Specific comments on the metric
The RIMS Guideline for Traffic Counting has been used to guide the grade ranges. This included an adjustment to be carriageway section based rather than traffic links.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
COUNT3 - Traffic loading understood
Sub-category | Traffic Count | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total network Vehicle Kilometers Travelled (VKT), based on carriageway sections, with a latest classified traffic count record less than 5 years old at the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that recent count data includes collecting classification (vehicle mix) so loading demand is understood.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Poor traffic count data is likely to lead to poor traffic estimating and understanding of the current and changing demand on the network in terms of traffic volume and loading.
Potential miscategorisation of ONRC based on heavy vehicles.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of active traffic count strategy with a targeted programme of classified counts on carriageway sections making up the greatest proportion of VKT. Classified traffic count data not loaded to RAMM in a timely manner.
Specific comments on the metric
Classified counts have been determined based on the assumption they have a recorded % cars, and no default category code in the loading method field.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
ESTIM1 - Network has traffic estimates
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total number of carriageway section records with a recorded traffic estimate.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that all 'road' carriageway sections have a traffic estimate recorded in the asset database.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor, or lack of process for estimate traffic demand on the network. Lack of available resource for maintaining this dataset. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Changes for 2019/20:
Metric has been updated to exclude carriageways with a 'Not Required' ONRC.
ESTIM2a - Traffic estimates are maintained (High Volume to Arterial)
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of carriageway sections with a latest traffic estimate record less than 1 year old at the end of the reported financial year where the ONRC category is High Volume, National, Regional or Arterial.
Paired with: ESTIM2b, ESTIM2c
Metric Purpose
Confirm that traffic estimates on the higher volume network are maintained in a timely manner.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for maintaining and updating estimate traffic demand data on the network in a timely manner. Lack of available resource for maintaining this dataset. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
ESTIM2b - Traffic estimates are maintained (Primary and Secondary Collectors)
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of carriageway sections with a latest traffic estimate record less than 3 years old at the end of the reported financial year where the ONRC category is Primary Collector or Secondary Collector.
Paired with: ESTIM2a, ESTIM2c
Metric Purpose
Confirm that traffic estimates on the collector network are maintained in a timely manner.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for maintaining and updating estimate traffic demand data on the network in a timely manner. Lack of available resource for maintaining this dataset. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL. Improve the calculation of 3 years ago.
ESTIM2c - Traffic estimates are maintained (Access including Low Volume)
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of carriageway sections with a latest traffic estimate record less than 5 years old at the end of the reported financial year where the ONRC category is Access or Low Volume.
Paired with: ESTIM2a, ESTIM2b
Metric Purpose
Confirm that traffic estimates on the lower volume network are maintained in a timely manner.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Poor or lack of process for maintaining and updating estimate traffic demand data on the network in a timely manner. Lack of available resource for maintaining this dataset. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Changes for 2021/22
No longer use #tempDate in the RAMM SQL.
ESTIM4 - Considered traffic loading
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Completeness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | High | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total number of latest traffic estimate records with an estimated traffic loading mix distribution (ie not a default).
Metric Purpose
Confirm that traffic mix (classification) is being considered when estimating traffic demand rather than simply using default values.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No process for consideration of traffic loading (mix) as part of maintaining and updating traffic estimate data. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Specific comments on the metric
Estimates with a considered traffic loading have been determined based on the assumption they have a recorded % cars, and no default category code in the loading method field.
ESTIM5 - Latest estimates align with counts
Sub-category | Traffic Estimates | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric |   | Importance | High |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of carriageway sections where the latest estimated AADTs are within +/-30% or +/-50vpd (whichever is the greater) of the latest counted ADT within the last five financial years.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that estimated AADTs are within thresholds of the latest counts.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Key data input for understanding network demand, including changing demand, for analysis and planning purposes.
Poor understanding of traffic demand on the network, potential incorrect ONRC categories affecting reporting of ONRC Performance Measure results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
No process for verification of calculated traffic estimate data. Lack of understanding of the criticality of this dataset.
Specific comments on the metric
+/-30% or +/-50vpd of count (whichever is the greater) variations are considered to be sufficient thresholds to indicate a significant variation between counts and AADT estimates
Changes for 2021/22
Metric created. Does not include any counts with confidence set to zero (0).
CRASH1 - Crash data is recent
Sub-category | Crash Data | Dimension | Timeliness |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Moderate | |
Grade thresholds |
The age (in months) of crash data in terms of the time difference between the RAMM date_added field and the date loaded into REG Insights.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that crash data is being maintained and updated in RAMM by the RCA in a timely manner.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Incomplete dataset used for wet crash analysis associated with skid management processes.
ONRC and ONF Safety Performance Measures results will be impacted by having an incomplete dataset through not being updated/maintained frequently.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Lack of awareness of the process to maintain this dataset in RAMM. This data is not used to analyse or report on crashes on the network. Lack of resources to maintain this dataset.
Specific comments on the metric
The time difference between latest added on date in RAMM and the date imported into REG Insights has used a proxy to measure the timeliness of updates to this dataset.
CRASH2 - Crash records with valid location
Sub-category | Crash Data | Dimension | Accuracy |
ONRC Metric | Importance | Moderate | |
Grade thresholds |
The proportion of the total number of crash records located within the extents of the road, as defined in the carriageway table, for the five year period up to the end of the reported financial year.
Metric Purpose
Confirm that crash data in RAMM is within the extents of the road as defined in the carriageway table.
Consequence of Poor Quality Data
Incomplete dataset used for wet crash analysis associated with skid management processes.
Any crashes that are outside of a carriageway section are not included in the ONRC Safety Performance Measures results.
Potential reason(s) for not being at the expected standard unique to this metric
Data not imported to RAMM through correct processes. Network updates not completed through correct processes (RAMM Network Manager) resulting in affected tables not being updated.