To select an ONRC Performance Measure report, click the ONRC > Reports item in the menu.
- ONRC reports for your Road Controlling Authority (RCA) are available under headings: Safety, Resilience, Amenity, Accessibility, Cost Efficiency, and Other.
- ONRC reports for your Region are available under headings: Safety, Amenity, Cost Efficiency, and Other.
Click on the headings to view the reports under that heading for your RCA or Region.
Click on the report title for your RCA/Region, or click on Compare Networks to the right of the title. The report will show the data for your network and comparisons, for example your RCA alongside its peer group, region and the nation.
Adjust report parameters by clicking the Select Networks, Classifications, Urban/Rural, etc options in the Filters tab, then click Refresh View. Export the report to Excel and PDF files using the Excel and PDF buttons.
In the other tabs read more details in the Measures Description tab, visit Import Links, read any Data Validation messages and Data Quality reports.