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Performance Dashboard

Navigating to the Performance Dashboard

Within the Transport Insights menu, click Performance then Dashboard to see the RCA Performance Dashboard.

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The Performance Dashboard shows tiles containing key indicators for a range of performance measures. The tiles show the latest results that are available for the selected RCA. Each tile shows the latest year and in some cases the latest quarter the results are for.

Some tiles have an (i) information icon at the top right of the tile. Click the (i) to see the popup description for the tile, including the colour band thresholds if the tile uses a colour indicator. 

The page also shows additional RCA statistics underneath the dashboard.

Detailed graphs and indicators

Click a tile to drill down to the detailed graphs and indicators for that tile. For example, click the Road Maintenance Delivery tile to see:

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For line graphs and bar graphs, you can hover over a point on the line or hover over a bar, and see the actual value.

For all graphs, you can click the legend items to hide data on the graph. This includes graphs with lines, bars and shaded areas. This is particularly useful if you want to see specific data within stacked or multiple line graphs.

In the example below, you can see how clicking off (hiding) Road Maintenance and Road Improvement lets you see the Walking and cycling and Other expenditure more clearly.

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More Information about the results on a page

The little blue (i) info symbol beside each page title opens the Information Sources at the bottom of the page.

Or you can directly click the Information Sources expandable section at the bottom of the page to see the notes and sources of data for the page content.


Performance Dashboard Page Navigation

There are icons at the top of each drilldown page to help you navigate around. You may find these icons helpful when you have navigated deep into the drilldown pages and then you want to quickly navigate to another page within the Performance Dashboard.

Returning back to the Performance Dashboard page

The four square icon located on the top left corner of the page will return you back to the top dashboard from any drilldown page. See the highlighted icon in grey.  

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Navigating to the next Dashboard page

The arrow icons located on the top right corner of the page will navigate you to the next drilldown page in the direction which have have selected. See the highlighted icon in orange.

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Displaying all the available pages

The three line icon located on the top right corner of the page will display an index of all the available pages within the Performance Dashboard.

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You can click on any of the selections and you will be navigated to the selected page.

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Displaying all the Relevant Links associated to the Performance page

The circle containing a line icon located on the top right corner of the page will display all the Relevant Links associated to the Performance page.  The Relevant Links list is a set of links you can go to within Transport Insights that provider further breakdowns of the information on the drilldown page. For example, if you are looking at the Road Safety page that has graphs for the network, the Relevant Links will take you to the ONF Safety pages with safety breakdowns by ONF category.

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You can click on any Relevant Links selection and you will be navigated to the page for that link. This may take you to a different module within Transport Insights, or it may be an external web site.

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