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Temporary traffic management reporting

Reporting Temporary Traffic Management

The Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024-34 (GPS) sets expectations on the Road Efficiency Group to provide reporting and analysis to help build more efficiencies and value for money in the Transport sector. The GPS specifically includes a focus on targetting efficiencies in Temporary Traffic Management (TTM).

Entering quarterly TTM information

Following on from the GPS expectations, REG has implemented screens for Road Controlling Authorities (RCA) to capture quarterly information on Year to date TTM spend, as well as capturing information on quarterly inspections of sites that use TTM.

RCA users with secure permissions will enter year to date costs for each quarter once the quarter is finished. These users will also enter counts of inspected sites with TTM present and the count of any sites where TTM is in place but no longer necessary, for example sites where traffic cones and/or speed restrictions are still in place despite the roading work having been completed.

Reporting the quarterly TTM results

The quarterly results entered by the RCAs are reported to the NZTA Board and the Transport Minister’s office for review.

REG will publish the new quarterly TTM results for each RCA in the RCA Performance Dashboard only after the NZTA Board and the Transport Minister’s office have completed their review of the quarterly results.

Temporary Traffic Management Guidance

Temporary Traffic Management needs to be put in place for a wide range of activities happening on or near roads: road works, drainage maintenance, utilities works such as power line maintenance, sporting and community events, emergency events such as fires, flooding or vehicle crashes, etc.

RCAs are only required to report on some of these Temporary Traffic Management installations. The Temporary Traffic Management Quarterly Reporting Guidance document itemises the costs that RCAs need to report on, and also itemises the type of site inspections that RCAs need to count.

The Temporary traffic management reporting page on the NZTA web site has a link to the latest guidance document. This web page also includes a link to the New Zealand guide to temporary traffic management if you wish to learn more about the approach to using TTM on New Zealand roads.