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One Network Framework
ONF Transport Outcomes
Select ONF > ‘Transport Outcomes’ side menu option to view the ONF reporting options.
The ONF pages will report for the network and year (e.g. Hamilton City Council and 2020/21 in the image below) that is selected in the orange bar at the top. You can change the network at any time. You can choose from a range of different types of networks: Councils and other RCAs, regions of New Zealand, peer groups, or National. You can also change the year you are looking at.
You can filter pages for a Transport Outcome. To just see the pages for a specific Transport Outcome, click on the Transport Outcome at the top (Healthy and Safe People, Inclusive Access, etc). To see all pages, click All. The list of Transport Outcome measures will be expanded over time.
Click on a page to see the report for that measure e.g., Safe Travel – Deaths and Serious Injuries.
Each ONF report provides a variety of information on the topic.
The first graphs you see show more basic information such as latest counts and percentages for the network.
Scroll down to see more complex information such as history and trends for the network.
Further down the page, you can see comparisons between the network and other networks, for example comparing the RCA with their region, peer group and National.
Downloading Graphs
You will notice that there is a small three line icon on each graph of the ONF Transport Outcome page.
If there is a specific graph which you are interested in, you can click on the three line icon and you have the ability to download a specific graph or the actual graph's data. There are three different modes to download the graph information:
- SVG - Web friendly image format
- PNG - A traditional image format
- CSV - A spreadsheet compatible format
Once you click on a selected download mode, the image or CSV will automatically download to your download folder. **Note: the download does not download the entire page's data.
Important Links
If you have questions how the measures are derived for the report, important links, or data quality metrics related to the report, click in the Circle icon in the top right of the screen which contains three dots within it.
You can then navigate to the information you are after.