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Data Quality
Data Quality Annual Reports
You can now retrieve previous years' published Data Quality PDF reports for your Road Controlling Authority (RCA) directly from within Transport Insights. These PDFs are no longer be accessible from the Transport Insights web site.
Click Data Quality > Annual Reports from the Transport Insights menu to see the lists of published reports for your RCA and Region, and the National reports.
Choose the financial year of the report you wish to open. The screen will default to the latest year.
The screen will show you the Annual Reports that are available for the year. These may include:
- The ONRC report for the RCA
- The Asset Management report for the RCA
- The ONRC report for the Region the RCA is in
- The Asset Management report for the Region the RCA is in
- The National ONRC report
- The National Asset Management report
Click the report you wish to open, and the system will download the PDF of the report to your computer.
Your Annual Reports for each completed year will be available in Transport Insights using the same screen, as soon as they are published.