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Competency Framework Reports

Click the Report option at the top of the page to see the summary of your submitted assessment(s).

You must submit your assessment before you can see the report option. 

The graphs will compare your assessment summary to the summaries for your role.

Choose another role or the entire sector from the drop down list, to see how your results compare to other roles.

Two graphs show in the Report page:

  1. A radar diagram of the average results in each section for your assessment compared to the average of the role, and
  2. A box and whiskers diagram showing where your section results are compared to the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles for the role.

The page also shows the number of submissions that are being counted for the role. The box and whiskers graph may not show percentiles for very small volumes of assessments.

The calculation of the averages currently includes N/A results.