Descriptions of the Measures

Safety Customer Outcome 1 - Serious Injuries and Fatalities

The total number of reported serious injuries and fatalities (DSI) each year on the network

The aim of this measure is to ensure that roads and roadsides are becoming safer for road users.

The injuries data comes from the Crash table, which includes reported crashes.

The classifications come from the Road Section table and One Network Road Classification (ONRC) Category table.

Crashes are allocated to road section(s) based on the location of the crash. If a crash is located at the start of one road section and the end of another road section, it will be allocated to the section of the road section which starts where the crash is located.

The data is grouped by Financial Year beginning 1 July. Financial years are considered complete after details of a Crash are imported into the Performance Measures Reporting Tool for the following financial year.

The comparative trend graph expresses the serious injuries and fatalities trend as a percentage of the average for the five financial years. This report ignores incomplete years of Crash data. This provides a comparable view of the rate of progress in reducing serious injuries and fatalities. For a comparative view of the current problem, see the Personal and Collective Risk reports. This trend is shown for your network, Peer Group , Region and the Nation . Negative values, shown in green, indicating a decreasing or improving trend. Positive values, shown in red, indicate an increasing or worsening trend.

For each Road Controlling Authority (RCA) the most recent complete financial year of crash data is found and the 5 years up to that date is included. This is done for your RCA and RCAs in any peer groups, regions and nationally. This means that the trends calculated may use differing financial years.

The diagram below shows how this might work for a sample RCA.


 If there is data for the next financial year, then this financial year is considered complete.

Problems with your Crash data?

Importing CAS data.

Data validation tips.

• Learn more about Crash Analysis System.