Descriptions of the Measures

Cost Efficiency 1 - Pavement Rehabilitation (Cost & Avg Life)

The total cost and life achieved of sealed pavement rehabilitation undertaken over the selected Financial Year.

Sealed pavement rehabilitations should be timed to minimise whole-of-life cost while delivering the required customer outcomes. This measure provides information that can assist with demonstrating the extent to which this has been achieved.

This measure shows the total cost and life achieved of sealed pavement rehabilitation undertaken for your network, Peer Group , Region and the Nation . The cost is represented per lane kilometres over the Financial Year. The life achieved is the average age of pavement rehabilitation over the previous four years.

Pavement rehabilitation costs are identified from surfaces with a Work Category of 214 as per the Te Ringa Maimoa Practice Note on Work Origin. Surface records will be assigned a Work Category of 214 when the resurfacing is due to pavement rehabilitation.

The Original Cost is recorded on the Road Section Surface record in the Road Section Surface table. The Original Cost is apportioned by length for the Seal record in the Surface Structure table.

Original costs within the financial year with a Work Category of 214 are included in this report irrespective of surface category and surface function. 

The Lane Kilometres are assumed to be length of the Seal * number of lanes from the Road Section.

The Average Life is calculated as the average difference in years between the layer date and the removed date, for pavement layers with a Work Category of 214 that have been removed in the last four years.

The pavement data comes from the Pavement Layer table.

The classifications come from the Road Section Section table and ONRC Category table.

The data is grouped by Financial Year beginning 1 July.