Descriptions of the Measures

Cost Efficiency 3 - Asphalt Resurfacing (Length & Area)

The asphaltic resurfacing undertaken over the selected year range by classification

The aim of this measure is to demonstrate the total length and area of asphalt resurfacing undertaken over the selected year by classification, for your network.

The comparative graph shows the percentage, by area of network, of asphalt surfacing renewed over the selected year by your network, Peer Group , Region and the Nation .

The surface data is taken from the Road Section Surface table or the Surface Structure table which is being filtered by:

Surface Materials - Asphalt
Materials Surface Function - Reseal and Second Coat
Asphalt Surface Structure Set - Top Surface
Functions Surface Sectioning - by Road Section

The Lane Kilometres are assumed to be the length of the Seal * number of Lanes from the Road Section.

If the Sealed Area is recorded then this will be used. The Sealed Area may or may not reflect the Width or Length of the Road Section. If the Sealed Area is not recorded, then it will be assumed that the Seal is for the full width of the Road Section and the Area of the Seal will be calculated from the Seal Length * Road Section Width.

The Percentage by Area total is calculated by summing the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) , then given as a percentage of the total area.

The classifications come from the Road Section table and ONRC Category table.

The data is grouped by Financial Year beginning 1 July.