Descriptions of the Measures

Safety Customer Outcome 3 Comparative - Personal Risk

The total number of reported crashes by traffic volume each year on the network

The aim of this measure is to ensure that roads and roadsides are becoming safer for road users.

The report determines the number of crashes with reported Fatal and Severe Injuries from the Crash data for the previous 10 financial years on your network, Peer Group , Region and the Nation .

Crashes are allocated to road sections based on the location of the crash. If a crash is located at the start of one road section and the end of another road section, it will be allocated to the section of the road which starts where the crash is located.

The number of crashes with serious injuries and fatalities on the network within the classification is divided by the number of years of data (the difference between the date of the first crash in the classification and the last up to a maximum of 10 years) to get the number per year. This is then divided by the VKT (road section view length * road section view traffic estimated volume  * 365) and multiplied by 100,000,000 to get the numbers within range.

 An exclamation mark indicates the crash sample length is below 65kms.